Leadership Development

In defining the leadership competencies required within your business we must consider the type of leadership you wish to see and the context in which it exists.  We will draw on such comprehensive reviews as the University of Exeter's Centre for Leadership Studies and the approach taught at the Ashridge Business School.  The types of leadership we may look at will range from ‘Great Man’ through Situational Leadership to the concepts of Transactional and Transformational leadership.  Whilst early theories tend to focus upon the characteristics and behaviours of successful leaders, later theories begin to consider the role of followers and the contextual nature of leadership.  It is here Carisbrooke Associates'  approach to leadership is founded.  

Based on over 16 years of experience in the development and delivery of leadership and management training, including command of the Royal Navy's Leadership School, Carisbrooke Associates has the experience and expertise to fully evaluate your present approach to leadership and management development, offer pragmatic and fact based suggestions and ensure you reap the benefits of your investments.   As a respected coach and mentor, we can provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure you reach your personal and business ambitions.

Jim Graves

Jim Graves

CHAIR at Merseyside Adventure Sailing Trust

David added value to all the workshops I delivered.
He is able to communicate and work with people at all levels of a business.
Key competencies are listening to and understanding of other people's point of view. Getting the best from a person by getting them to identify their strengths, areas for development and areas they need to drop as it added no value
Coaching and communication are his strengths

Tammy Lillie CEng FIMechE MCIPD CertCoach

Tammy Lillie CEng FIMechE MCIPD CertCoach

Head of Learning & Talent at Spirax Sarco Engineering PLC

Dave Hogan was an inspiration to work with. A constant eye on development of others.